Frequently Asked Questions
Curious to learn a little more about Okoboji Music Masters and how we operate?
Look no further.
Check out the answers here to many frequently asked questions. If you don't see what you're looking for, please feel free to submit your question on our contact form and we'll be sure to get back to you in a timely manner.
Who can audition?​
Okoboji Music Masters is looking for singers and instrumentalists for creating and performing choral music in the Okoboji area during the summer season.
When are auditions?​
For more information on auditions, please see the auditions page on this website.
What is the performance schedule?​
The performance schedule can be found on the events page of this website.
What are the financial requirements to participate?​
There are no financial obligations to join. It is free to the public.
How do I schedule an audition?​
You can sign up for auditions online. For more information see the auditions page on this website.
What do I do if I can't make a rehearsal/performance?​
You will need to contact the Executive Director. If he/she is not available you can contact the Music Director.
Do I need to be a professional musician?​
You do not need to be a professional.
For vocalists, choral experience and music reading ability are very helpful, but a love of singing, an ability to blend with other voices, and a good ear are requirements.
For instrumentalists, reading music and the ability to learn music independently are a must.